Really excited today. After years of brainstorming, I’m finally at… Well, another stage of brainstorming! Luckily, I have Michael on board, doing the animations for the trailer. And Travis and Elizabeth have said I can use their models as well. Very grateful that these three generous, hard-working, and imaginative people exist.

There were some parts of the storyboard Michael was finding hard to animate — these drop-down menus, and an isolation-modulation module I’m working on representing now. So, Oh no, I thought. We’ll have to spend loads of money I don’t have to buy software or pay somebody to animate these bits.

But then, after a few long days of teaching, parenting, and housework, as I lay down in bed and tried to switch my brain off (a useless endeavor most of the time to be honest), I suddenly thought — What if I drew out the drop-down menus sequentially, and we just pasted that slideshow into the trailer??

Images credit: Michael,, Auravana Project.

I was very excited. I sat up and emailed Michael immediately. Of course, it wouldn’t look as seamless as it may otherwise, but in terms of communication, it should get the job done. And all we need — I thought to myself, as I button-mashed furiously at 2am on a school night — is for the idea to be well-communicated. For people to understand, perchance to invest.

Images credit: Michael,

We’d blend my slides with Michael’s and Auravana’s animations, I’d record the voiceover, and then I’d upload the trailer to the site. Then — finally — I could begin to apply for grant funding and reach out to other potential investors.

I got straight to work. I’m still getting straight to work. It’s funny, because you’d think a single mom, student, and teacher wouldn’t be able to make the time for this kind of big project. But the thing is, Dymaxsyn weaves a holistic thread through all my focus areas. REDEconstruct, my Unified Mind Program, primes individuals within communities to intuitively and logically engage creatively in expression — exactly the sort of approach optimum to eventually partake in Dymaxsyn’s community collaboration and design platform. Obviously obtaining my bachelor’s (and soon master’s… and next, the world…!) in childcare has provided me with informed context regarding the optimum environment for the development of the future of our species, and parenting has and continues to do so, also.

So you see, I’m not spreading myself thinly over too many diverse projects! I am… umm… holistically developing my love letter to life in this universe.

The logistics of guiding principles 🙂

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